How to command indispensable office politics? Tips to combat it
Backbiting, rear-licking, jealousy is often the words you use within the confines of office cubicles, while discussing the politics of your workplace, right? Politics is a realism you cannot keep away from; species such as devilish bosses, backbiting colleagues and annoying subordinates will always be ubiquitous. The trick is how you work around them to make your career skyrocket. Politics in some workplaces can get vicious though — and we’re not referring to our politicians offices. Power and influence-management in your company will always be a part of your career, whether you have the disposition for it or not. While some of us say they don’t want to get ‘caught up’ in politics at work, most HR experts argue that playing the game is crucial to your career sensation and triumph. By not getting involved, you may find your talents uncared for and your success limited, and you may feel left out of the sphere. Politics gets malevolent when an employee is out for his or her personal gain ...