How to win interview
How to get fetch a job in the difficult time, stiff competition or recessionary period. What does an active job seeker do differently from average job seekers? Three things he does differently. OR Three Habits he has 1. They focus on results rather than processes Person’s those who are always struggling to find work always seem to be in the process of doing something. They are not in a position to tell exactly what job they seek because they're in the process of deciding. Or they can't expedite or improve their network or public profile because they're in the process of revising their resume. Most successful job seekers knew that all well that’s end well. Last day results do matters a lot. A average active job seeker who meets through their networking contacts with an imperfect resume will get hired faster than one who spends lot of time just revising their resume and zapping out emails every time. 2. Get in to habit to pick up the phone and call I rarely see very few resu...